Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week 6 Question

What is the most challenging thing for you in 3rd grade so far?


  1. Ms. Sealy

    The most challenging thing in 3rd grade is helping my students remember to be responsible. This is challenging because there are so many different types of learners in my room.

  2. Ms. Berry
    I'm not in 3rd grade but in 1st grade we taking the opportunity to learn as much as possible. Good luck in 3rd grade this year.

  3. I think the hardest thing in 3rd grade is math. It is hard to remember the subtracting rules.

  4. Leonel

    The hardest thing in 3rd grade is writing.The other hardest thing in 3rd grade is science.They are hard because I have to write a lot.

  5. Christian

    The hardest thing about 3rd grade is being bad because I am a good person. Another thing is Science because learning is meant to be that way-easy and hard.
